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  • [SCIE] Incidence of Convergence Between Distally and Anteriorly Oriented ALL Femoral Tunnels and ACL Femoral Tunnels in Combined ACL and ALL Reconstruction
  • 2024-02-20 hit.861

◈ SCIE 논문 ◈


Incidence of Convergence Between Distally and Anteriorly Oriented ALL Femoral Tunnels and ACL Femoral Tunnels in Combined ACL and ALL Reconstruction: 3-Dimensional Computed Tomography Analysis of 227 Patients


Dae Keun Suh, Min Wook Kang, Tae Jin Kim, Si Yeon Kim, Joon Ho Wang

 강민욱 외 

  * 제1저자(공동): 강민욱 (인천힘찬종합병원 정형외과)


- 학회지: The American Journal of Sports Medicine

- 게재: 2024. 02
