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관절의학연구소 > 연구실적+
  • [국내] Validation of Synovial Fluid Clinical Samples for Molecular Detection of Pathogens Causing Prosthetic Joint Infection Using GAPDH Housekeeping Gene as Internal Control
  • 2024-02-20 hit.815

◈ 국내 논문 ◈


Validation of Synovial Fluid Clinical Samples for Molecular Detection of Pathogens Causing Prosthetic Joint Infection Using GAPDH Housekeeping Gene as Internal Control​​


Jiyoung Lee, Eunyoung Baek, Hyesun Ahn, Youngnam Park, Geehyuk Kim, Sua Lim, Suchan Lee, Sunghyun Kim​

안혜선, 이수찬 외

- 학회지: Biomedical Science Letters

- 게재: 2023. 12
