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관절의학연구소 > 연구실적+
  • [SCIE] Postoperative high dose intravenous iron sucrose with low dose erythropoietine therapy for unexpected bleeding after total hip replacement arthroplasty
  • 2009-03-18 hit.5,895


 SCI(E) 논문




Postoperative high dose intravenous iron sucrose with low dose erythropoietine therapy for unexpected bleeding after total hip replacement arthroplasty -case report- 



Jiyeol Yoon, Sungmin Kim, Su Chan Lee, Hongsub Lim


윤지열, 김성민, 이수찬, 임홍섭



- 학회지: Korean J Intern Med. (Korean Journal of Internal Medicine)


- 게재: 2010.12

