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  • [SCIE] ACL injury while jumping rope in a patient with an unintended increase in the tibial slope after an opening wedge high tibial osteotomy
  • 2008-12-22 hit.6,205


 SCI(E) 논문




ACL injury while jumping rope in a patient with an unintended increase in the tibial slope after an opening wedge high tibial osteotomy

(개방성 쐐기 근위 경골 절골술 후 후방 경골 경사가 증가한 환자에서 줄넘기 운동에 의한 전방 십자인대파열)



Kwang Am Jung, Su Chan Lee, Seung Hyun Hwang, Moon Bok Song


정광암, 이수찬, 황승현, 송문복



- 학회지: Arch Orthop Trauma Surg.


- 게재: 2009.08 (Epub 2008.09)

