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  • [SCIE] Poor outcomes of revision total knee arthroplasty in patients with septic loosening compared to patients with aseptic loosening
  • 2021-10-19 hit.2,104

◈ SCIE 논문 ◈


Poor outcomes of revision total knee arthroplasty in patients with septic loosening compared to patients with aseptic loosening


Ji-Hoon Baek, Su Chan Lee, Hosun Jin, Jin‑Woo Kim, Hye Sun Ahn, Chang Hyun Nam

 백지훈, 이수찬, 진호선, 안혜선, 남창현 외

  * 제1저자: 백지훈 (목동힘찬병원 정형외과)

  * 책임저자: 남창현 (목동힘찬병원 정형외과)

- 학회지: Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research

- 게재: 2021. 10
