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관절의학연구소 > 연구실적+
  • [SCIE] Radiologic Efficacy and Patient Satisfaction after Minimally Invasive Unilateral Laminotomy and Bilateral Decompression in Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
  • 2021-08-03 hit.2,122

◈ SCIE 논문 ◈


Radiologic Efficacy and Patient Satisfaction after Minimally Invasive Unilateral Laminotomy and Bilateral Decompression in Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Retrospective Analysis


Seung-Kook Kim, Sungmo Ryu, Eun-Sang Kim, Sun-Ho Lee, Su-Chan Lee

김승국, 이수찬 외

  * 제1저자: 김승국 (UAE샤르자힘찬병원 신경외과​)​

- 학회지: Journal of Neurological Surgery - Part A

- 게재: 2020. 05
