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  • [국제] WRAP OVER/CROSS OVER technique for Recurrent Dislocation of the Patella after Multiple Failed Revision Surgery
  • 2015-08-14 hit.5,006


 국제 논문




"WRAP OVER/CROSS OVER technique" for Recurrent Dislocation of the Patella after Multiple Failed Revision Surgery: Case Study and Technical Note




Viral Gondalia, Su Chan Lee, Jong Won Kim, Alvin Ong, Ha Young Park, Hye Sun Ahn, Kwang Am Jung

Viral Gondalia, 이수찬, 김종원, Alvin Ong, 박하영, 안혜선, 정광암

 * 책임저자: 정광암 (강남힘찬병원 정형외과)



- 학회지: Current Orthopaedic Practice


- 게재: 2016. 05
