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  • [SCIE] Combined arthroscopic-open procedure for the recurrent shoulder dislocation in a 74-year-old man with an irreparable massive rotator cuff tear and a large Hill-Sachs lesion
  • 2012-02-20 hit.5,829


 SCI(E) 논문




Combined arthroscopic-open procedure for the recurrent shoulder dislocation in a 74-year-old man with an irreparable massive rotator cuff tear and a large Hill-Sachs lesion



Choon Key Lee, Hyung Lae Cho, Man Jun Park, Kuen Tak Suh


이춘기, 조형래, 박만준, 서근택



- 학회지: Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol


- 게재: 2011.02

