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  • [연구 포스터] 2015 대한정형외과학회 (1)-(7)
  • 2015-09-21 hit.4,378

 연구 논문 발표 7편 채택 (발표자 선정) 



* 학회: 2015 59차 대한정형외과학회 추계학술대회

           (59th Annual Fall Congress of the Korean Orthopaedic Association)

           - 일시: 2015년 10월 15일 ~ 17일

           - 장소: 서울 그랜드힐튼호텔


주제: “WRAP OVER/CROSS OVER technique” for Recurrent Dislocation of the Patella

         after Multiple Failed Revision Surgery: Case Study and Technical Note 
저자: Viral Gondalia, 이수찬, 김종원, 정광암


주제: The Sandwich Meniscus Sign: Unusual MRI findings in radial tear of the medial


저자: Ravi Kumar, Alvin Ong, Aaron Carter, 안혜선, 박하영, 정광암


주제: Treatment of Bone Defect with Modular Metal Augmentation using Downsized Block

         in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty -A case report- 

저자: 이수찬, 남창현, 황승현, 백지훈, 안혜선, 박하영


주제: Dissociation of inner bearing of Bipolar Cups during Closed Reduction : A report

         of Two Cases with Biomechanical Test
저자: 이수찬, 백지훈, 남창현, 최경원, 장승환, 하용찬


주제: Is end-stage lateral osteoarthritic knee always valgus? Mechanical alignment

         analysis and radiographic severity assessment
저자: 이수찬, Viral Gondalia, 황병윤, 안혜선, 이춘기, David J. Hunter, 정광암


주제: Sub-meniscal portal: partial meniscectomy of the upper leaf in horizontal tear of

         posterior horn of medial meniscus
저자: 이수찬, Ravi Kumar, Alvin Ong, 안혜선, 박하영, 정광암


주제: Do Articulating versus Static Spacers Affect the Mental Health Status of Patients

         Undergoing Two-Stage Revision TKA for Periprosthetic Joint Infection?
저자: Viral Gondalia, 이수찬, 김종원, 안혜선, 박하영, Alvin Ong, 정광암

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